
Jerash Branch

In order to serve the fellow engineers, to make it easier for them, to maintain their rights and interests, to work on regulating and protecting the profession from all and any risks, our Association had to have presence in various governorates nation-wide through which the Association can achieve the sought goals for which they were established.

Hence, Jerash Branch was established in the middle of 1980s during the term of the former President of the Association, Eng. Laith Shbeilat. In the beginning, the available abilities were limited at the time, as the Branch office and the tools it had were poor. The place and performance development process started in the middle of 1990s, as the Branch was increasingly activated and a committee was formed to run the Branch and regulate the work in the Governorate. The development process kept going on resulting in a move to a detached and developed building in consistence with the Branch development. In addition, quality services are provided to facilitate the missions of the engineers who own engineering offices. Because success usually leads to more achievements, we believe the future will be brighter since there is a wish in the first place and because the human and material resources are available. We also take care of our fellow engineers, as they are the reason for our success and continuity.

Number of General Assembly members: 1480 engineers.